

  • 摘要: 研究选择长江中游西洞庭湖水系太湖新银鱼移植水体(黄石水库)和未移植水体(蒙泉水库), 研究太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis Chen)移植对浮游动物食性鱼类(Hemiculter leucisculus Basilewsky)早期生长和摄食的影响。2009 年7 月下旬和8 月中旬共采集稚鱼157 尾, 其中7 月下旬采集稚鱼在14—23 日龄之间,两水体间生长差异不显著; 8 月中旬采集稚鱼在20—49 日龄之间, 黄石水库生长率显著小于蒙泉水库。对样品耳石日轮分析发现25 日龄之前两水体稚鱼生长率相似, 之后黄石水库稚鱼较蒙泉水库生长慢。食性分析发现25 日龄前两水体稚鱼食物组成相似, 主要摄食轮虫、小型枝角类和桡足类; 25 日龄后黄石水库稚鱼食性没有显著变化, 而蒙泉水库稚鱼则转食大型枝角类、昆虫及鱼卵和仔鱼。两水体气候条件、营养状况、鱼类区系组成上基本相同, 是否有太湖新银鱼移植是两水体间的主要差别。太湖新银鱼春群在1—5月间繁殖, 而的繁殖在6 月下旬之后。因此在早期生活史阶段与太湖新银鱼的食物竞争会主要发生在转食大型浮游动物之后。太湖新银鱼摄食使黄石水库大型浮游动物饵料资源短缺, 稚鱼在25 日龄后不能转食, 是导致黄石水库幼鱼在25 日龄后生长减慢的重要因素。


    Abstract: Neosalanx taihuensis Chen is an important zooplanktivorous commercial fish, which was widely introduced into Chinese freshwaters. Transplantation of this species has induced decline and even extinction of native fish species in some waters. In this study, impacts of N. taihuensis transplantation on early growth and feeding of an indigenous zooplanktivorous fish Hemiculter leucisculus Basilewsky were investigated by comparing the juveniles of the latter in two reservoirs in the middle reach of the Yangtze River. Huangshi Reservoir (HSR) and Mengquan Reservoir (MQR) are geographically proximate and display similar nutrient regimes and native fish faunas. The major difference between the two water is that N. taihuensis has been transplanted in HSR but not in MQR. A total of 157 juvenile H. leucisculus was collected in late July and middle August in both reservoirs. The juveniles collected in late July aged from 14 to 23 days, and were similar in growth rate between the two waters. The juveniles collected in middle August aged from 20 to 49 days. Growth rate of juveniles in HSR was significantly smaller than those in MQR. Otolith growth trajectories showed that incremental width was not significantly different between the two reservoirs until the age of 25 days but narrower for juveniles in HSR than those in MQR after that. Diet analysis showed that food compositions of the juveniles younger than 25 days were similar between the two waters, composing mainly Rotifera, small-sized Cladocera and Cyclopoida. For juveniles older than 25 days, food compositions in HSR were similar to the younger juveniles, while the food compositions in MQR changed to large-sized Cladocera, insects, eggs and fish larvae. Spawning season of N. taihuensis is earlier than H. leucisculus in the middle reach of Yangtze River, and diet competition between the two species may occur after the later shifts from feeding on small-sized to large-sized zooplanktons. In HSR, N. taihuensis may induce the shortage of large-sized zooplanktons. As there was no enough large-sized zooplankton available to the juvenile H. leucisculus older than 25 days, they could only keep feeding on small-sized, which resulted in stunted growth of H. leucisculus juveniles older than 25 days compared to those in MQR.


