
Distribution on four types of cytokines in the brain of the toad, Bufo gargariizans

  • 摘要: 采用免疫组织化学SABC法, 研究白介素-1、干扰素-、神经生长因子-和肿瘤坏死因子-在成体中华蟾蜍脑中的表达和分布特点。结果发现, 白介素-1阳性细胞数量很多, 分布于脑的各个区域。白介素-1多在细胞的胞体中, 而原始海马锥体细胞, 中脑的背前侧被盖核和腹后侧被盖核中的细胞可见阳性的突起。干扰素-阳性细胞数量较多, 分布在端脑的原始海马和隔区, 丘脑腹外侧核, 下丘脑的视前区、视交叉上核和腹侧漏斗核, 中脑被盖的背前侧被盖核、腹前侧被盖核、背后侧被盖核和腹后侧被盖核中, 小脑的Purkinje细胞层和延髓的网状核, 其中原始海马, 背前侧被盖核和背后侧被盖核, 视交叉上核, Purkinje细胞层和网状核中的细胞中可见阳性突起。神经生长因子-阳性细胞数量较少, 主要存在于下丘脑的视前区和视交叉上核, 中脑被盖的腹前侧被盖核, 小脑的Purkinje细胞层和延髓的网状核中, 其中视前区、Purkinje细胞层和网状核中细胞可见阳性突起。肿瘤坏死因子-阳性细胞数量最少, 分布范围仅限于中脑被盖背前侧区和延髓的网状核及中缝核, 但细胞具有阳性突起。因此, 白介素-1和干扰素-在成体动物脑中分布较为广泛, 可能是神经细胞生命活动所必需的; 而神经生长因子-和肿瘤坏死因子-在成体动物脑中分布范围狭窄, 其作用可能仅限于脑中的某些特殊区域。


    Abstract: Cytokines play an important role in the brain. A large number of experiments have showed that cytokines were expressed in the central nervous system of animals. In this paper, the strept avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (SABC) immunohistochemical methods were applied to investigate the distribution of IL-1, IFN-, NGF- and TNF- in the brain of adult toads, Bufo gargariizans. It found that quantities of IL-1-like immunoreactive cells were detected and widely distributed in each region of the brain. IL-1 was mainly located in the bodies of positive cells. However, in the primordial hippoeampus, nucleus anterodorsalis tegmenti and nucleus anterovetralis tegmenti, positive cells bodies and progresses were all labeled by IL-1. Also, a large number of cells were stained by IFN-, these positive cells were observed in the primordial hippoeampus and septum of telencephalon, ventrolateral thalamus nucleus of thalamus, preoptic area, suprachiasmatic nucleus and ventral infundibular nucleus of hypothalamus, nucleus anterodorsalis tegmenti, nucleus anterovetralis tegmenti, posterodorsal tegmental nucleus and posteroventral tegmental nucleus of mesencephalon, Purkinje cell layer of cerebellum, and reticular nuclei of medulla oblongata. Only in the primordial hippoeampus, nucleus anterodorsalis tegmenti, posterodorsal tegmental nucleus, Purkinje cell layer and reticular nuclei, progresses of these positive cells were IFN--like immunoreactive. A few NGF--like immunoreactive cells were mainly observed in the preoptic area and suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus, nucleus anterovetralis tegmenti of mesencephalic tegmentum, Purkinje cell layer of cerebellum, and reticular nuclei of medulla oblongata. NGF--like immunoreactivity was also presented in the progresses of these positive cells in the preoptic area, Purkinje cell layer and reticular nuclei. Several cells in the nucleus anterodorsalis tegmenti of mesencephalic tegmentum, and reticular nuclei and raphe nuclei of medulla oblongata, were labeled by TNF-. And, their bodies and progresses were all TNF--like immunoreactive. Therefore, these results indicated that IL-1 and IFN- were widely expressed and may play an important and extensive role in the brain, but NGF- and TNF- were only presented in some specific regions and may take effect in these regions in the brain.


