摘要: 试验通过人工设计合成的通用接头以及与接头序列相匹配的专用引物, 对38株维氏气单胞菌分离株和1株维氏气单胞菌标准菌株进行AFLP基因分型研究。结果显示, 采用5对引物使39株维氏气单胞菌扩增出1080条可见条带, 片段长度在50-1000 bp之间, 其中多态性条带727条, 平均每对引物组合产生154条多态性条带, 平均多态性检出率为66.7%。按UPGMA方法对条带进行聚类分析, 建立聚类分支树状图, 将39株维氏气单胞菌分为9个基因型, 其中第四类群基因Ⅳ型包含了14株菌株, 约占总菌数的35.9%, 分布在5个不同的地区, 推测其可能是引起斑点叉尾 发病的主要流行性基因型。不同地区分离的维氏气单胞菌具有地域性差异, 而同一地区分离株既存在相同基因型现象, 也存在基因型多样性现象。Abstract: The AFLP genotyping about 38 Aeromonas veronii isolates and an Aeromonas veronii standard strain was conducted by synthetic universal joints and adapters which matched the specific primers. The results showed that the 39 strains of Aeromonas veronii augmentation were out 1080 visible strips by five selected primers. The lengths of the segments ranged from 50 to 1000 bp. Seven hundred and twenty seven of the total strips were polymorphism. Each primer combinations produced 154 bands in average. Average detection rate for polymorphism was 66.7%. By UPGMA method to strip the clustering analysis, a clustering branches tree, Aeromonas veronii was obviously divided into nine classes. The fourth group Ⅳ type contains genes 14 strains isolated, accounted for about 35.9% of the total bacterial count, distributed in five different areas. Presumably, it may be the major epidemic genotype of case disease to channel catfish. Aeromonas veronii had regional differences. And Aeromonas veronii in the same area showed genotype diversity.