

  • 摘要: 为研究总溶解气体(Total Dissolved Gas, TDG)过饱和对长江鲟(Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril)早期生活史的影响, 以长江鲟受精卵和仔稚鱼为实验对象, 进行不同TDG饱和度的暴露试验。结果显示: 在不同饱和度的TDG过饱和水体中, 发育至神经胚阶段的长江鲟受精卵的孵化率存在显著差异。其中, 对照组中的受精卵孵化率为(79±3)%, 140%组的孵化率((78±2)%)与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05), 110%组、120%组130%组的孵化率分别为(84±0)%、(92±2)%和(91±1)%, 显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。将出膜1—2d的仔鱼置于不同梯度的TDG饱和度水体中暴露96h, 除对照组外, 各实验组均有仔鱼死亡, 但死亡率均未达到7%。其中130%组的死亡率最高, 为(5.59±1.86)%; 110%和120%组死亡率次之, 分别为(3.45±0.12)%和(3.45±0.00)%; 140%组的死亡率最低, 为(1.15±1.99)%。130%组仔鱼死亡率显著高于140%组(P<0.05), 其他各组之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。将50日龄的长江鲟稚鱼置于不同梯度的TDG饱和水体中暴露96h, 除对照组外, 各实验组均有稚鱼死亡, 且各组死亡率均在50%以上, 140%组死亡率达100%。除110%组和120%组差异不显著外(P>0.05), 其他各组之间差异显著(P<0.05), 且随着TDG饱和度增加, 死亡率增大。各实验组之间的半致死时间存在显著差异(P<0.05), 且呈现出TDG饱和度增加, 半致死时间呈减少趋势。总体来看, TDG饱和度为110%、120%和130%的水体对长江鲟受精卵的孵化率有显著促进作用, 140%的水体对其孵化率无影响。不同TDG饱和度的过饱和水体均可导致长江鲟仔稚鱼死亡, 但对仔鱼影响程度较小, 且死亡率与TDG饱和度之间无显著关联; 对稚鱼影响程度较大, 在研究范围内, 影响程度随饱和度的增加呈增大趋势。


    Abstract: The fertilized eggs, larvae and juveniles of Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril were exposed to different Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) supersaturation water to study the hatchability of fertilized eggs and the mortality of fry and juvenile. The results showed that TDG supersaturation impacted hatchability. The hatchability of control group and TDG levels of 110%, 120%, 130%, and 140% were (79±3)%, (84±0)%, (92±2)%, (91±1)% and (78±2)%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the 140% group and the control group (P>0.05), and the hatchability of 110%, 120% and 130% groups were higher than that of the control (P<0.05). Larvae at 1—2 days were exposed to different levels of TDG for 96 hours, and there was no death phenomenon in control group. The mortality of 110%, 120%, 130%, and 140% were (3.45±0.12)%, (3.45±0.00)%, (5.59±1.86)% and (1.15±1.99)%, respectively. It was less than 7%. The 130% group was significantly higher than that of the 140% group (P<0.05), while there was no significant difference between other groups (P>0.05). Juveniles at 50 days were exposed to TDG supersaturation for 96 hours, and there was no death phenomenon in control group. The mortality increased with enhanced TDG supersaturation (P<0.05). The mortality rate in each group was above 50% with 100% for the 140% group. There was no significant difference between 110% group and 120% group, and other groups had significant difference. The half-lethal time (LT50) were significant differences among groups. TDG saturation was negatively associated with LT50. In general, TDG levels of 110%, 120%, 130% significantly promoted the hatchability of fertilized eggs, while the 140% had no impact on the hatchability. TDG levels of 110%, 120%, 130%, and 140% could lead to the death of larvae and juveniles of Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril, but the effect on larvae was slight, and there was no significant correlation between mortality and TDG saturation. While the effect on juveniles was serious, the influence degree increased with enhanced TDG saturation.


