

  • 摘要: 微型生物群落在水生态系统中起着至关重要的作用, 是水生态系统食物链的关键环节, 其结构和功能可以很好地反映不同生境的水质特征。《水质 微型生物群落监测 PFU法》是我国首个生物监测国家标准, 被证明是一种快速、经济、准确的监测方法。然而, 由于PFU法对专业知识要求较高、费时耗力且不易标准化, 严重阻碍了该方法进一步的推广与应用。近年来, 环境DNA(eDNA)技术的快速发展突破了微型生物形态鉴定的瓶颈, 能高效、准确地鉴定出水环境中包括微型生物在内的各种水生生物。为此, 文章提出微型生物群落eDNA-PFU法, 即基于eDNA技术改进的PFU法, 对微型生物群落进行监测。为了对eDNA-PFU法进行验证, 文章针对武汉东湖水体中的原生动物群落开展了预实验, 结果表明eDNA-PFU法较传统PFU法覆盖度与灵敏度均更高, 可以真实、全面、准确地揭示水体中微型生物群落结构特征。因此, 基于eDNA-PFU法的微型生物群落监测有望为湖泊、河流、水库等水体的生态考核提供新一代的生物监测标准。


    Abstract: Microbial community, as a key link in the food chain, plays an important role in aquatic ecosystems, and its structure and function can well reflect the water quality characteristics in different habitats. “Water quality-Microbial community biomonitoring-PFU method” is the first national standard for biomonitoring system in China, and has proved to be a fast, economical and reliable. However, because the PFU method requires high professional knowledge, is time-consuming and power-consuming and not easy to standardize, it seriously hinders the application and dissemination of this method. In recent years, the rapid development of environmental DNA (eDNA) technology has broken the bottleneck of microbiological morphological identification of various aquatic organisms including microorganisms in the environment. We propose the microbial community biomonitoring eDNA-PFU method, which means that the PFU monitoring is improved by eDNA technology, as ecological assessment indicators for lakes, rivers and reservoirs. In order to verify the above proposal, we carried out pre-experiments on the monitoring of protozoan communities in the East Lake in Wuhan. The results showed that the eDNA-PFU method has higher coverage and sensitivity comparing with the traditional PFU method, and can reveal the structural characteristics of microbial community comprehensively and accurately. Therefore, microbial community biomonitoring based on the eDNA-PFU method is expected to provide a new generation of biomonitoring standards for the ecological assessment of water bodies such as lakes, rivers and reservoirs.


