

  • 摘要: 为高效诱导功能性XX黄颡鱼(Tachysurus fulvidraco)伪雄鱼, 研究以 XX 遗传型黄颡鱼为实验对象, 以12 日龄为左炔诺孕酮(Levonorgestrel, LNG)浸泡处理的起始点, 设计高 (1 μg/L) 、中 (0.1 μg/L) 和低 (0.01 μg/L) 浓度的LNG处理组, 及对照 (0) 组, 于60日龄处理结束。高、中、低浓度LNG处理组和对照组诱导雄性化比例分别为4.0%、25.0%、62.5%和0。观察性腺结构发现, 1和0.1 μg/L处理组雄性化的精巢中只有全精巢型, 0.01 μg/L处理组则包括全精巢型(20.8%)和部分精巢型(41.7%)。幼鱼122日龄精巢组织学观察到大量精子和生精小管互通现象, 推测诱导的XX伪雄鱼具有正常繁殖能力。未雄性化的卵巢发育受到LNG抑制, 62日龄卵母细胞数量和122日龄性腺指数分析结果表明, 卵巢发育抑制程度与 LNG 处理浓度呈正相关。与对照组相比, LNG 处理对黄颡鱼生长和死亡率都无显著影响。研究表明, 在LNG诱导黄颡鱼雄性化研究中, 具有雄性化诱导效率较高、使用剂量小和产生的伪雄鱼精巢发育易成熟的优势。研究为优化制备功能性伪雄鱼技术提供了新的思路, 为黄颡鱼产业的可持续发展和新品种高效选育奠定了重要基础。


    Abstract: The industrial development of yellow catfish (Tachysurus fulvidraco) is limited by the shortage of female broodstocks. The aquaculture yield of female yellow catfish is significantly reduced due to the successful promotion of all-male and hybrid new varieties. Meanwhile, wild germplasm resources are not possible to be used as broodstock because of the vigorous implementation of resource conservation policy. It is urgently needed to establish a large-scale producing system of the all-female population, and the key is to efficiently induce fertile XX pseudo-males. In this study, different percentages of masculinization 4.0%, 25.0% and 62.5% were induced by different doses of levonorgestrel (LNG) immersion treatments, 1, 0.1 and 0.01 μg/L, respectively, starting from 12 days post-hatching (DPH) to 60 DPH. Complete-testis-type XX pseudo-males were induced in the 1 and 0.1 μg/L groups, while complete-testis-type (20.8%) and partial-testis-type pseudo-males (41.7%) were both found in the 0.01 μg/L group. A quantity of sperm and intercommunicating seminiferous tubules were observed in XX males at 122 DPH individuals, indicating that induced XX pseudo-male fish have the normal reproductive ability. Reduced oocyte numbers at 62 DPH and gonadosomatic index at 122 DPH of un-masculinized XX individuals after LNG immersion indicate negative effects of LNG on ovarian development. Growth and mortality were not significantly affected by LNG treatments. Our results suggested that LNG-induced masculinization in yellow catfish had the advantages of low treatment dosage, high efficiency on masculinization, and promoting the testis development of the XX pseudo-males. The present work provides new ideas for the optimization of inducing functional XX pseudo-males, and establishes an important foundation for sustainable aquaculture development and high-efficient breeding of yellow catfish. The establishment of the all-female production system will strongly increase the efficiency of genetic breeding in yellow catfish. The roles of progesterone in fish sex differentiation deserve further investigation.


